
Re: Self resonance of a coil

Tesla List wrote:


I previously posted a formula for estimating self-resonance of a
secondary coil. Turns out the formula's OK, but I messed up on the
numerical portion in the example. This definately will make you're
mileage vary! Also, I found I "renamed" Harri Soumalainen to "Harry"!
Very sorry on both counts! 

Guess its time to go sit on the coil!

-- Bert --


> The best way is simply to measure the coil after you wind it using a
> signal generator and base-driving the secondary through a pair of
> back-to-back LED's. You can try the following empirical approximation
> for "what-if" designs. This is similar to a formula which may have
> originally come from Harry Soumalainen or Richard Quick, but has been
> adjusted for feet and inch measurements:
>       F = 984,300/((3.485X)*(L/D)^-0.304) (KHz)
>   Where:
>       L = Length of Winding (inches)
>       D = Diameter of the winding (inches)
>       X = Physically computed Length of wire (feet)
>       d = effective Wire diameter (including insulation and any spacing)
>  But: X = Pi*D*L/12d feet
>  and: n = L/d turns
>   Example:
>       L = 31"
>       D = 10.25"
>       d = 0.032" (21 AWG with Dual-Thermaleze)
> Then: X = 2599 feet
>       n = 969 turns (close-wound)
>  and: F = 984,300/((3.485*2599)*(31/10.25)^-.304)
>         = 984,300/(9304)*(3.024^-.304)
>         = 984,300/6646
>         = 148 kHz
> Since this is an approximation, your mileage may vary. On a sample of
> two coils I tested, it was within +/- 5%. Enjoy.
> -- Bert --