Lightning Fury
I purchased a "Lightning Fury" HVHF device from Radio Shack a number
of years ago and think that it is far superior in display to the
plasma globes in use today. My question is this; Why are they not
around? and Does anyone know what happened to make them unavailable
Chris Singletary
Believe that you CAN accomplish the impossible and you shall.
[ NOTE: Apologies to Brad McPeak. I suggested that discussion of plasma
globes be sent directly to him (implying that it was off topic).
However, Chris pointed out
"Both the plasma globe and to an extent the
Lightning fury were lamp designs by tesla though somewhat modified
and the power source is basically a solid state tesla coil using
pulse transformers." The operative words being "basically solid
state tesla coil". I kind of goofed on that one. Sorry. -- Chip ]