Re: Science Bashing?
[ Let's not let this topic go off into the woods. Classical anectotes
may be interesting, but they don't appear to serve the list's purpose.
This list is not a forum for impassioned discussion on how science should
be done, and what it is and is not. This list is a forum for sharing
scientific procedures, results and ideas relating to tesla coils.
-- Chip ]
>Message-ID: <199610270549.XAA23153-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
>Date: Sat, 26 Oct 1996 23:49:15 -0600
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
>To: Tesla-list-subscribers-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Science Bashing?
>I'm jumping in here with a quick observation - according to the 'it
>must work on paper first' argument, a bumblebee shouldn't be able to
>fly, given what is currently known about aerodynamics. Yet the little
>critter zips along, apparently oblivious to mankind's laws.
Chip - we just had this discussion one of the other two lists.
What should I repeat here? Bumblebee references on request.
Just let me say the science didn't say the thing couldn't fly,
it was an engineer that did.
>>From what I remember, many of the currently 'known' laws of physics
>stem from careful observation, even a few 'let's build it and see what
>happens' events. Heck, the people involved with the Trinity project
>didn't know if the 'gadget' would work or not, but it did, and gave
>the first uncontrolled nuclear explosion.
It worked on paper, didn't it?
>There is, I think, a balance. Without the pondering 'what-if's and
>let-see-what-happens' people, a lot of knowledge would be missing. Also,
>without the 'try-it-on-paper' people, we might still be dropping items
>off the Leaning Tower in Pisa, Italy.
>- Brent
I agree. It's like marriage. Can't do it without two. Theory and
experiment are inseparable. Incidentally, the human mind can substitute
for the 'paper'.
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