Re: Static Gap Stains -Reply
Tesla List wrote:
> >From SE-CRAWSHAW-at-wpg.uwe.ac.ukFri Oct 18 22:05:41 1996
> Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 12:29:44 +0000
> From: STEPHEN SE CRAWSHAW <SE-CRAWSHAW-at-wpg.uwe.ac.uk>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Static Gap Stains -Reply
> Further to Bobs remarks on the stains in his static gap system. I
> have just returned to University and I am starting my
> dissertation on the environmental and health effects of PVC in
> cabling systems. After a literature search, I have discovered
> that PVC readily produces dioxins (extremely toxic, carcinogenic
> and mutagenic substances) when burned. The reaction is also
> catalysed by the presence of copper. I would be very wary of
> assuming that these stains are harmless. PVC is a nasty
> substance, despite industry claims to the opposite, and I reckon
> you've got all the ingredients for a dioxin production device in
> a PVC housed static gap.
> Yours
> steve crawshaw
Hmm.. perhaps an additional concern to be added to the Safety FAQ??
-- Bert --
[ Good idea. I forwarded this to my work address where I am "webifying"
the safety sheet. -- Chip]