
Safety Shut-off

Hi All,
	Last night as I was going through the Tesla mail, my wife was
watching over my shoulder, and remarked, "Are all those men crazy too ?"
"Uh... yes, I suppose they are." "Well, I hope they have provided their
wives with safety switches!" So I though I would relate what happened at
my house.
	One night I was running a Jocob's ladder on my new big neon in
the garage/workshop/laboratory/crazy room, and a tool box, which I had
pushed too close to the end of the workbench, fell to the floor with a
crash, and as I got down on my knees to pick up the tools, my wife
appeared at the window in the door with a terrified look on her face.
I got up, turned off the power, and went inside to assure her that I was
OK, and she said, "I hope you realize that even though I am a nurse, and
I know CPR, all I will be able to do for you is to wave good-bye through
the window, because there is no way that I could make myself go through
that door when the high voltage is on!"
	So this is what I came up with: Right by the kitchen door going
into the gatage is a 6 inch square panel with a big red light labeled
High Voltage On, and a big red push button labeled Emergency Off. On the
garage wall is a box with a large relay that supplies all the power for
my high voltage experiments. When ever the relay is energised, the red 
light in the kitchen is on. A recessed button on the HV console turns on
the relay, and a large red button on the console and the large red
in the kitchen can turn it off. She still doesn't like high voltage, but
she feels a lot better knowing that she can take control should the need
arise. She might even let me run the new Tesla coil that I am now
	Safe coiling to all,

Storey Clamp
San Antonio, Texas