Oscilliscopes Ahoy!
To: Tesla Group <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>
Subject: Oscilliscopes Ahoy!
From: Scott Myers <scotty-at-wesnet-dot-com>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 14:49:41 -0500
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Hello all,
I have been looking for a decent oscilliscope lately. I currently
don't have one. In my rummaging around at some old warehouses, I
found a guy who has a small room full of old ones. He assured me
that they all function and will fire one up when I am ready to buy one.
Unfortunately, I personally do not know enough about oscilliscopes to
make an informed decision about which one to buy. He seems to have
quite selection. Most of these are older units. They all have a cart
included. Some are smaller portable units. Many are the older type
that have a separate power supply that is on the bottom of the cart.
So, I need help on knowing a bit more about these units. They guy that
owns them seems knowledgable enough, but I would like to get the
assistance of one of those in out group that might be more familiar with
these old model numbers/specs. These are mostly Techtroniks scopes.
Here are the some details on a few units:
Model 5103N, with D11 storage module, 5A15N amp, 5A18N dual amp,
5B10N time base/amp
There are many 555 scopes, with various modules.
There are model numbers 551, 549, 585A, 581, 7623.
There is a model 547 dual trace, with W differential compensator module
including a camera.
There are a ton of modules on the shelf for these scopes.
This is just a short list of the scopes. There are others, I just
didn't have the time to get the details on all of them. He has newer
smaller more modern units too. I'm sure he want a bit more money for
He seems to want little for these units. For instance, The 555 units
with power supply and cart he was asking $140.
Any advice? Comments?
Scott Myers