
Re: Rectifying Tesla Output

Hi everyone,
             A suggestion on low power rectification...
> How would one go about rectifying the output of a tesla coil?  I know there a
> re doides out there; however, I can not afford $400 a pop...  Is there an eas
> ier way?
Philips market a range of EHT rectifiers  (BY7xx series). These diodes
range to over 20kV PIV, avge fwd current 3mA, peak current 500mA and
they are rated to withstand picture-tube flashovers. I was lucky 
enough to get down on about 60 at a cost of NZ$0.55 each. I needed 
a rectifier for a portable flyback supply that I built for single-
shot coil expts. and rang on the off-chance. Serendipity struck again.
On hearing the 10-off price, I bought the lot.
    Point is, they are cheap and should be available.
