
Re: High frequency impedance of a neon sign transformer


I have to agree about the shunt gap being better overall and keeping the 
shunt capacitance effectively isolated from the tank.  It might be looked at 
from another standpoint, too.  The shunted gap, when firing, lets the 
primary tank circuit ring up, true, but it also lets the neon secondary and 
its capacitance ring up too!  Interesting!

Let's face it, stuff is ringing up all over the place.  The higher impedance 
secondary of the shunted transformers makes them targets for over voltages 
and, thereby, early deaths.

Richard Hull, TCBOR

From: tesla
To: 73041.2215; 73663.1536; BrittB7556; JHERRON; JOHNBATES3; abourass; 
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Subject: Re: High frequency impedance of a neon sign transformer
Date: Friday, March 29, 1996 2:03PM