
arc welder

Quoting David Euans <davide-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>:

> I'm in the process of building a coil using a 14.4KV 10KVA
> pole pig.  My question relates to how small an arc welding 
> unit I can get away with in terms of its input current rating. 
> I can get a 220v 20amp unit at a good price but don't know if 
> this is likely to survive if I try to throw 30-40 amps through
> it with some resistance paralleled across it and don't run it 
> for very long... Am I likely to smoke this welder?


I always try to achieve some sort of balance in the coil
controls. Your wiring, current limiting, variac(s), and pig
primary should be at least roughly matched.

What is the current capacity of your variac(s)?

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!