Re: cap specifications
Tesla list Wrote
> I am curious about the capacitor specifications that people are using
> for resonating Tesla coil primaries. I have seen several posts where
> it appears that a cap working voltage equal to the transformer
> secondary voltage is used. <snip>
>Thus you can easily get a 10x or more increase in voltage by switching a tuned circuit across a
> voltage source. Something similar may happen when the gap fires in
> the Tesla coil.
I've observed the voltage across the capacitors on my Tesla coil with
a 60Mhz storage scope. My spark gap fires at 12 kV. The capacitor
voltage peaks at 20kV and appears to oscillate at about 10Mhz for 2us
then settles down to oscillations at the primary resonant frequency
with peak voltages of about 5kV getting smaller with time. Keep in
mind though, I am unsure of the bandwidth of the Fluke 80K-40 probe I
was using so perhaps what I was seeing on the scope wasn't exactly what was
really there. I hope to look at this with a 500Mhz scope that
samples at a higher rate sometime.