
Re: 1000 foot sparks?

Malcolm, All,

As there has been considerable interest in Mr. LaBine's claim to 
produce 1000+ foot sparks I will herein describe the essence of his claim 
and experiment proposed as heard by your's truly on the International 
Tesla Society radio hour a couple of weeks ago.

"Mr. LaBine talks about pumping energy into the ground and having it
rebound back, believing this is what Tesla did at Colorado Springs.
His setup will be a magnifier with a  3 ft. long by 6 ft. diameter extra coil,
and a metal mast a total height of 12 feet off the ground with a 6 inch
metal sphere on top.  The system will use a variable speed rotary
break for helping tune to the earth's exact rebound  frequency.  This
coil will be operated by a 2000 watt (yes, just two kilowatts)
portable generator remoted by a 100 yard (yes, 300 feet) long
extention cord.  The operators, also 100 yards away (near the 
generator I believe), will be in a metal mesh protected safety enclosure up
on an  insulating wooden platform.

Mr. LaBine qualifies his claim by saying this will all work IF the Colorado
Springs numbers and information he has on Tesla's work are correct. 
If so, he claims he will create bolts of lightning 1,320 feet long."

Now kids, don't try this at home without the supervision of an adult 
AND all your neighbour's permissions, and the FAA's, and...

Happy Coiling!, rwstephens