Re: 1000 foot sparks?
>> Subject: 1000 foot sparks?
>>From hullr-at-whitlock-dot-comFri May 31 21:35:28 1996
>Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 10:23:56 -0700
>From: Richard Hull <hullr-at-whitlock-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: 1000 foot sparks?
>Tesla List wrote:
>> >From rwstephens-at-ptbo.igs-dot-netWed May 29 06:32:12 1996
>> Date: Tue, 28 May 1996 11:00:08 -0500
>> From: "Robert W. Stephens" <rwstephens-at-ptbo.igs-dot-net>
>> To: Tesla List <tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com>
>> Subject: 1000 foot sparks?
>> "Hi All,
>> I recently heard on the weekly International Tesla Society radio program
>> that there is a fellow out there who claims he will produce 1000 foot
>> 'sparks' from a 1/8th scale size setup of Tesla's at Colorado Springs.
>> Has anyone heard rumors to this effect, or know who this mystery
>> researcher is?"
>> Regards, rwstephens
>If you hear anything on the ITS radio program take it with a who salt
>cellar of salt!! They are prone to hype (probably the grossest
>understatement of my life)! I would think that any guy who really makes
>a claim the likes of what you have stated (I did not listen to the
>program) might be considered "crazier than a s--- house rat!" I am
>postive beyond all doubt that the closest you will ever come to seeing
>the realiztion of the program's statement would be in a drug induced
>dream! This is the most constructive I can be on this one!
>Richard Hull, TCBOR
Richard and others,
The President of the Int'l Tesla Society was at the Rochester, N.Y.
Hamfest and gave two talks there last Saturday. I met him in person
for the first time and spent a bit of time with him wandering about the
fleamarket and chatting with him between his scheduled talks. Naturally I
probed him for the name of the 'mystery researcher' mentioned but not named on
the radio program. J.W. McGinnis gave me the name of the guy. This past
Sunday's Tesla radio show featured our mystery researcher as guest!
Now that it is in public domain I see no problem in revealing it here for those of
you out there who probably missed it. The fellow is Mr.Jerry LaBine, and he
hails from Indio, California, USA. Mr. Labine is scheduled to appear at
the annual Tesla Society's symposium this year in Colorado Springs
and will apparently talk about his plans to make long sparks some
1300 feet long. He did discuss these plans and some detail of them on the show
which I taped. If anyone is interested in receiving a copy of this cassette
audio tape please e-mail me privately.
Happy Coiling!, rwstephens