
Re: Solid State - progress.

On Sat, 8 Jun 1996, Tesla List wrote:
> I'm not sure from reading the message what type of solid state system 
> you are building.

Basically people are using a system lot like yours.

> I got the idea from the driver from an old hobby magazine that used 
> bipolar transistors.  Mine has four IRF740's in half bridge and I 
> pulse them at the limit of their SOA curve.  I use a UC3825 very high 

Ouch! Full bridge will make you need lot less current for same power
(twise the voltage available). I suggest that for experimenters
rather than lots of devices paralleled to get the power from a half

BTW, what kind of output you are getting from it? Lots of nice spark? :)
See "Malin Tunic: Chemistry of structure - function references in cheese" for
further details!
Harri.Suomalainen-at-hut.fi - PGP key available by fingering haba-at-alpha.hut.fi