
New (fore me) Helical Resonator References


	I was seaching for some papers on superconducting tunnel junctions 
and my eye got caught by the following title:

	"Investigation of Superconducting Thick-Film Helical Resonator" by 
A. Centeno, et al. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol 5, 
No 1, March 1995, p19

	For fun you might be interested to know that they get unloaded Q of 
40,000 at 66MHz for a "bulk" helix which is somewhat disappointing compared 
to the copper helix which gives Q=15,000. 
Anyway,	one thing lead to another, and through this article I found two 
more interesting references:

	"Field Analysis of Helical Resonators with Constant-Bandwidth 
Filter Application" by D. Miley et al., IEEE Transactions on Materials and 
Packaging, Vol PMP-5, No 3, Sept 1969, p 127

	"Electromagnetic Wave Propegation on Helical Structures (A Review 
and Survey of Recent Progress)" by S. Sensiper, Proceeedings of the IRE, 
vol 43, p149-161, (1955)

	The last paper is a bit of a suprise to me, because I missed it in 
previous seaches and not many people seem to have referenced it. It has 
an interesting historical review on analysis of the helix. (Mark R take 
note) It appears that the first guy to puplish an analysis was H.C. 
Pocklington in 1897 - this preceeds Ollendorf by 29years! and was even 
before Tesla went to Colorado Springs!!

	 Anyway, since it is a review, it is probably one of the best 
places to find most of the references preceeding 1955. In fact, there are 
58 references listed of which 4 are references to more references! A must 
have for anyone interested in the analysis for coils and magnifiers 

	-Ed Harris