No Subject
>Someone, I believe it was Lawrence Wang, asked me the other day
>about coupling in Tesla coils. Being rather distracted I did not
>take time to reply, so I thought I would briefly discuss this
>Coupling in a Tesla system is basically the mutual inductance
>between the primary and secondary coils. The mutual inductance
>may be varied by changing the position between these two coils.
>Separating the coils reduces the coupling factor, bringing them
>closer together increases the coupling.
>A coil system that is insufficiently coupled does process all of
>the energy available from the tank circuit. This results in
>spark discharges that are not as violent. Richard Quick
???.... ????????
> Should that be:
> A coil system that is insufficiently coupled does [not?]
> process all of the energy available from the tank circuit.
> This results in spark discharges that are not as violent.
> Or am i talking thru my hat again???
> grins
> dwp
No, you are 100% correct. My focus has been off a tad as of late;
or people are paying more attention to the pap that I write.. :-)
I am closing on my new house here tomorrow, I was supposed to
close today but we were hit by a major winter storm New Years
Day. I am a little preoccupied and distracted, the wife is
packing up stuff right under me, and we have not signed papers
yet... I blame nerves. I hate to move, have more &%-at-$%! than ever
before in my life....
But please don't think this excuses my mental laxity, and I
really do appreciate the fact that you are catching my mistakes.
If for no other reason than the fact that it shows you are
reading carefully. I apologize for the error, and hope you would
be so kind as to point out errors in the future.
Thank you!
Richard Quick
... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12