
Re: Transformers

Hello David,
> Hello all, I live in Eugene OR (USA) and am wondering where and how to
> obtain a non-shunted HV transformer like a pole-pig. I am interested in
> something in the range of 3 to 5KVA for my T-coil and resonator
> experiments. I just am not sure who to contact, where to look for those
> kind of transformers. .......

Here are 3 sources for the transformers.  These companies are refurbishers/
rebuilders of pole type tranformers.  I personally got my 14.4 KV -at- 10 KVA
unit for $280 delivered price with a 1 year warranty from Solomon.

Solomon Corporation, P. O. Box 245, Solomon, KS 67480
Watts: (800) 243-2867 Tel (913) 655-2191 Fax (913) 655-2502
Supplier of power distribution (pole pig) transformers.

T & R Electric, P. O. Box 180, Colman, SD 57017
Watts (800) 843-7994  <tip from Scott Myers>
Supplier of power distribution (pole pig) transformers.

H&H Transformer Inc. (303) 289-2802
Denver area pole pigs

One thing that you might want to note is that 5 KV units are almost as expensive
as a 10 KVA unit.  These companies probably don't have anything smaller than a
10 KVA unit in stock.  What you have to keep in mind is that transformer
rebuild companies consider a 10 KVA unit a small "throw-away" unit.  Very few
transformer rebuild companies want to fool around with anything smaller than
30 KVA.  Sounds crazy, but you have to think in terms of a municipality.  I'm told
that a 20-30 KVA unit is about as small as most power companies rebuild anymore.

Hope that helps,
Scott Myers