Re: Homemade Rolled Caps
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com, KLINEDA-at-univscvm.csd.scarolina.edu, Pyrofish-at-aol-dot-com, WMEYER-at-scientia.up.ac.za, bhaley-at-shore-dot-net, brad.alheim-at-the-spa-dot-com, coco-at-astroman-dot-com, djz-at-dana.ucc.nau.edu, frerichs-at-zfe.siemens.de, froula-at-cig.mot-dot-com, haba-at-snakemail.hut.fi
Subject: Re: Homemade Rolled Caps
From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 16:48:13 -0500
>Received: from mail06.mail.aol-dot-com (mail06.mail.aol-dot-com []) by uucp-1.csn-dot-net (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id OAA22121 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>; Tue, 27 Feb 1996 14:55:07 -0700
In a message dated 96-02-27 12:23:45 EST, tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com writes:
>I didn't make a clean room, but I did set up a special 8 foot long work
>bench for assembly. All aluminum flashing edges were sanded down smooth,
>and afterwards both aluminum and plastic got wiped down thoroughly before
>assembly. No carpet fibers, hair or small children got rolled up.
>I am going to tear down all my failed poly caps and rebuild them into a flat
>plate capacitor. I'm going to mount the plates in a pole pig housing that I
>just gutted. I'm going to to use multiple sheets of poly to make 120 mil
>dielectric, and I'm assembling it under oil, sheet by sheet, to eliminate
>air pockets. This will be the last poly cap I build - I'm going to buy
>commercial caps from that point forward.
When I built mine, I also was very careful. Sanded all the edges, cleaned
all the materials, layed everything out on clean paper, etc. - but they still
failed. Possibly the problem is with the dielectric and scratches,
imperfections, etc. If someone was planning to build a home made rolled cap
I would certainly reccommend two layers of .030 poly instead of one .062
layer. Three layers of .030 would be best, of course the capacitance
produced would be less.
Ed Sonderman