
Re: Capacitor search

At 12:25 AM 12/5/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>From Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com Thu Dec  5 00:20:41 1996
>Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:40:50 -0500
>From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Capacitor search
>Well, it's about 15 degrees here and supposed to snow 6" to 8" tonight.  I
>have been reading about people building small coils and like the idea of
>making a table top model out of a wine bottle.  Sounds like a good winter
>project.  I've done some calculations and concluded that a wine bottle 3.0"
>in dia. wound 7.0" high with #28 wire and a small 5" or 6" toroid would
>oscillate at about 654 mhz.  With a 12 turn primary made out of #10 bare
>copper wire I would need about .0045 microfarads to tune at 80% of the
>My question here is does anyone have some .002 mf capacitors they would be
>willing to part with?  I plan to use a 9 or 12 kv  30ma transformer.  I have
>never used the doorknob type capacitors and know they are not the best but
>they would probably work in this application.  I would probably want a 15 or
>20 kv ac rating.
>Also, I need to find a source of large (2" or 3") ferrites so I can wind some
>safety chokes to protect the transformer.  Anyone know of a source?
>Thanks,  Ed Sonderman


I purchased some ferrite toroids from Hosfelt Electronics.
Here is the info on them:

        Hosfelt Electronics, Inc.
        2700 Sunset Blvd.
        Steubenville, OH 93952-1158 USA
        800-524-6464 order
        800-534-5414 fax
        614-264-6464 local

Mfg. Arnold Eng.
Mfg. # FE-2500-1201
OD -2.5" ID-1.22" width -1"
Arnold HA powdered ferrite
Initial permeability 60
Inductance per 100 turns: 2.032mH
Mean path length: 14.96 cm.
Cross section 4.031 sq cm.

Hosfelt p/n T-250-B  $1.49 each

I used these with about 110 turns of # 26 Magnet wire and had
good results.

Mike Hammer
