
Re: TCBOR Magnifier 11-E Specs


The spark gap is a real energy sink!  We just have to live with it.  There 
exists nothing on the planet which can switch tens of thousands of amps at 
tens of thousands of volts better than a spark gap.  This, inspite of our 
having gone to the moon and thinking of ourselves, in this computer age, as 
ultra sophisticated and advanced.  With the death of the old spark gap radio 
days, the need for special spark gaps died until only recently with the rail 
gun technology and other Capacitive discharge system research.    A lot of 
low loss gaps and commutators have been developed for these special systems. 
 Still, these systems only need one pop per hour.  We need hundreds per 
second!   These ultra gaps rely on an almost zero duty cycle.  There is much 
work to be done here.  We have taken this area of research under our wing 
now for about 4 years as the magnifier type coils demand extra efforts in 
this area.

You are correct about the non-linearity of the gap.  Thank goodness, too!! 
 It is this very non-linearity which makes the coil work and oscillate.

In my recent water arc explosion work with Dr. Peter Graneau.  We have noted 
that about 30% of any power in a capacitive discharge circuit is disappated 
in the switching or commutation arc.  Listen to Tesla and use lots of micro 
gaps in series to reduce problems associated with quenching.

The primary circuit is a low Q area where little can be done due to the very 
existence and need for a spark gap commutator!

Richard Hull, TCBOR

From: tesla
To: 73041.2215; 73663.1536; BrittB7556; JHERRON; JOHNBATES3; abourass; 
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Subject: Re: TCBOR Magnifier 11-E Specs
Date: Monday, April 08, 1996 8:04PM