RE: Pole Pig Transformers
To: Chip Atkinson <chip-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>
Subject: RE: Pole Pig Transformers
From: Scott Myers <102505.61-at-compuserve-dot-com>
Date: 24 Oct 95 23:33:46 EDT
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Hi Chip,
You wrote;
>I'm looking for a pole pig now and have some questions that I would like
>to know the answers to.
>1) Has/does anyone run a coil without any limiting ballast on the pig?
> In other words, has anyone cut the welder and oven elements entirely
> out of the circuit?
Never do this. Since the transformer provides very little inductive limiting
and the spark gap acts as a dead short, you get run away current until you fuses
blow. Before they blow, you will dim all of the lights in your house.
>2) Will these transformers blow up if they get shorted without any control?
If you have no fuses, it is possible. A fire could occur.
Use inductive/resistve ballasting and line fuses, not circuit breakers.
Scott Myers
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