Re: Rotary gap motors
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Rotary gap motors
From: mark.graalman-at-mediccom.norden1-dot-com (Mark Graalman)
Date: Thu, 04 May 1995 16:37:00 -0500
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Resent-Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 18:59:18 -0400
Resent-From: tesla.list-at-mediccom.norden1-dot-com
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Es> Mark,
Es> I received the motor for my rotary gap yesterday. It is rated at
Es> 10,000 rpm at 115 v ac or dc. I tested it with my variac and tried to
Es> measure the speed using a tachometer that I built from a kit for
Es> measuring the speed of airplane props. It seems to be running at
Es> 15,000 rpm with no load. Does that sound reasonable? I know I need to
Es> control it to keep it the rpm somewhere between 4000 and 5000.
MG> That sounds reasonable to me, the only thing I'm wondering about is
MG> this motor being run at 5000 rpm is going to be low on torque, but I
MG> don't think it will cause a problem, it will simply take a little more
MG> time to come up to speed.
MG> By the way, is that an old Heathkit "thumb tach" they sold about 25
MG> years ago? I'd love to have one of those, or the diagram / parts list.
Es> When I get the gap finished, I want to build a wooden box to sit over
Es> the top of it. I was planning to mount a fan on one end and drill a 2
Es> or 3" vent hole in the other end - to provide some cooling. Is a
Es> 100cfm fan large enough?
MG> On my gap, I have a 1" wide by 4"tall slot in the box on each side of
MG> the wheel and I use a 12vdc muffin fan run at 25 volts to blow air into
MG> the box, I did this because I did'nt want to run a 110vac line over to
MG> the coil itself. I run the DC voltages over to the coil for the gap
MG> motor and fan using coax, the shield is negative as well as ground, the
MG> positive is the center conductor. The coil discharges hit the DC feeds
MG> constantly but it causes no problem, its simply conducted to ground via
MG> the shield. This system works fine on my system (5KW) but for higher
MG> power or longer run times (>30 sec at a time) it would be better to use
MG> better cooling.
Mark Graalman
Es> Thanks, Ed Sonderman
... Alias, Mark the spark
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