
Faraday Cages

Oh, and I forgot:
SR> could you provide information (or a a good source of infor-   
SR> mation) for relevant details in Faraday cage design, as well  
SR> as a little theory.

Information Unlimited, P.O. Box 716, Amherst, NH., 03031, USA
Tel: 603-673-4730, Fax: 603-672-5406, Order: 800-221-1705
had plans and construction details for a decent sized Faraday
cage running around $5.00 or $10.00.

Also, information on Faraday cages equipped with RF choking and
line filtering can be found in section six of Couture's book: 

John H. Couture, 1994, published by JHC Engineering Co., 10823
New Salem Point, San Diego, CA., 92126 USA. No ISBN or Lib. of
Congress catalog #, but this is currently available from the
author at the address above.

I hope this is helpful.

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12