insulators, resonance, etc
To: mail11:;-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: insulators, resonance, etc
From: I am the NRA <pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 95 20:31:29 EST
>Received: from inet-gw-1.pa.dec-dot-com by csn-dot-net with SMTP id AA01975 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>); Thu, 5 Jan 1995 18:32:49 -0700
Cc: pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com
(browsing thru some of the old files...)
> DK> The mind boggles at what might happen if Man could induce
> DK> enough in there to make significant circulating currents
> DK> happen...visions of melting iron ore veins and such...
> DK> volcanoes erupting and all at the utter extreme...
>There would be no "induction", "circulating currents" or
>disturbances. Tesla saw the earth as a giant resonator when
>electricity at the properly tuned frequencies was conducted into
>it. As a conductor floating in space it is nearly perfectly
>insulated, so it would be very low loss.
Loss is a function of reistance, for lack of a better word. (in
electrical discussions...). A good conductor well insulated, will be
low loss. A poor conductor well insulated will be lossy.
(all assuming AC/RF Currents. If "dc" (isolated charged terminal,
ala van de Graff, etc, then resistance less significant.)
>Electrical energy conducted through the crust (not induced) would remain as a
>resonate standing wave (as opposed to a circulating current).
Electrical energy conducted thru the earth dissipates[1] rapidly. Sea
water is not bad. Pure water/fresh water is lossy. Resistance of
"soil" varies all over the lot. (pun. ha.) Its relatively easy to
measure the resistance of any patch of soil.
By dissipates, i means loses energy, not just spreads out...