Jacobs Ladder/Tesal Discahrge
To: mail11:;-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: Jacobs Ladder/Tesal Discahrge
From: I am the NRA <pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 95 11:51:53 EST
>Received: from inet-gw-1.pa.dec-dot-com by csn-dot-net with SMTP id AA17984 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>); Mon, 6 Feb 1995 09:54:04 -0700
Cc: pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com
(This is not to be taken as a disagreement with Richard Q (Tho i will disagree
if i thinkit in order...)
Another aspect of Jacobs Ladder/VS Tesla discharge:
The classical Jacobs ladder will occur at DC or LF AC. It occurs
between two electrodes (I ASSume all know the shape....). It is an ARC
rather than a spark. The difference is subtle (sometimes) but real.
As I undersatnd it (without getting too deep) and arc takes place in a
contiuous cloud of ionized gas (hense the rise in the jacobs ladder
arc, pulled up as the arc rises, due to heating.).
A spark is more a single shot event, a single breakdown. A stream of
sparks can follow each other "continuously", but each should see
(essentially) "fresh air. This need for "fresh air" is why, as i
understand it, rotary gaps and air blast gaps and quenched gaps provide
better performance, because the keep things cool, avoiding a tendency
to arc, maintaining a spark.
A Jacobs ladder discharge (or other arc) actually has a fairly low
voltage across it. Less than the nameplate rating of the transfomer,
or other power supply. (This can be measured but CAUTION as to
personal safety and meter safety is order...)
Both arc and spark ar "plasma", in different forms. There are many
different sorts of plasma...