
Re: Magnifiers


> A guy named Sloan did something similar to generate high 
> voltages for his X-ray system in the 30's. He used an ultra 
> simple homemade 100kW vacuum tube oscillator to base drive a 10
> turn coil at 6Mhz and got 800kV under load!! I will find the 
> references upon request. 

I for one request! 

David H. Sloan did a wonderful job reinventing the principal of a
base driven resonator 35 years after Tesla. The coil was wound
out of some standard copper water pipe (it has been awhile since
I read this stuff) and was mounted inside of a fairly large
grounded steel bell jar if memory serves correctly. The tip of
the pipe was rounded and pointed at a grounded metal target. The
steel vacuum vessel had a thin window near the target for the
radiation of X-Rays.  

If memory serves he used the machine to cure a cancer in the
mother of one of his college professors. It was leading edge in
many areas. This was also the first coaxial helical resonator.

Richard Quick

... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12