
New Coiling Book



My Dear Mr Lee:

I wanted to thank you for sending me a copy of your book. I find
your efforts encouraging. 

I would like to bring to your attention some information
resulting from a very simple series of experiments, which are
easily duplicated, and which should affect your thoughts on the
wiring diagrams presented throughout your book.

The experiments themselves begin with hooking up a coil system
according to the wiring diagram in Fig. 2-5 on page 26 of your
book. This same basic wiring diagram is reproduced, with minor
modifications, elsewhere in your publication. See Fig 8-4, 10-1,
11-1, etc.. Any one of these circuits would prove my point.

Using any of the circuits you document above; fire the coil and
touch one terminal of a low pressure gas tube to a conductor
anywhere in the ground path. The low pressure gas tube may be a
fluorescent or neon. The tube will glow brightly, showing a
highly energized ground path.

Next, place a number of small one inch high plastic insulators on
the surface of an earthen or concrete floor. Place a section of
sheet metal or foil on top of the insulators. The square footage
is not important really, two feet by two feet being more than
adequate. Disconnect the third wire ground, and reconnect the
wire to the counterpoise. Again fire the coil and observe the
disturbances between the plate and earthen or concrete floor.

The next phase of these experiments requires winding an
additional secondary coil to match the system frequency, and then
using the tuned coil to trace RF current through the control
circuits, ground path, and house wiring.

The bottom line of this is simply that the base wire and ground
path of a Tesla secondary is really a highly energized RF
transmission line. By connecting such a highly energized RF
transmission line directly to the neutral wire in a typical
residential or commercial structure, the entire building becomes
an antenna that effectively broadcasts interference.

I have measured base currents in excess of 60 amps from some of
my pole powered coils. Allowing these types of heavy RF current
into the control circuits and 60 cycle wiring creates an unsafe
condition (in addition to the interference problem) where sparks
can be drawn from the water pipes, control cabinet faces, even
grounded circuit boards in televisions and computers! 

My experiments also point to a very obvious solution to this
problem. By constructing an electrically isolated, that is a
dedicated RF "system ground", not only can RF interference be
drastically reduced, but coil performance can be significantly
improved. The dedicated RF ground used in Tesla coiling needs to
be much higher Q than that of a typical commercial lightning
ground. Several eight foot lengths of hard copper water pipe
being about the bare minimum required for medium powered systems. 

Tesla clearly noticed these same problems. I would next refer you
to the COLORADO SPRINGS NOTES, entries June 15 paragraph 5, June
16, and June 17, 1899. Tesla was using a dedicated RF ground for
his experiments. In addition he notes that excess lengths of
conductor in the ground path must be figured as uncoupled
parasitic conductor length in any secondary frequency
calculations. In modern terms "You plug in the house, and it
becomes part of the coil."

Please don't feel any obligation to respond. I am not attempting
to belittle you or your work. I would just like to see the
practice of "plugging" the base wire from Tesla coils into the
house wiring discontinued.

                                Thank you for your time;

                                   Richard T. Quick II
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12