Arc welders and Variacs
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Arc welders and Variacs
From: richard.quick-at-slug-dot-org (Richard Quick)
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 21:25:00 GMT
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Quoting Chip:
CA> I saw an ad in the paper for a new Lincoln arc welder for
CA> $199. It appears to be one of the smaller "home-type" jobs
CA> that probably has a duty cycle of about 5% or less. My
CA> question is will this be sufficient for tesla coil work
CA> (regulating a pole pig), or should I hold out looking for a
CA> used welder with a much higher duty rating?
It should work just fine. You will find that normal heavy duty
Tesla coil firing rarely exceeds a 5% duty cycle anyway. Things
like gaps and caps (and sometimes variacs) need time to rest.
The important thing is to verify that the primary current rating
will match your expected amp requirements, even if the rating is
only at a 5% duty cycle.
CA> The next question is, does any one have a variac that they
CA> could sell me? I am looking for 0-120 volt ~10 amp (~1.0kva)
CA> for controlling things like rotary gap motors.
E-Mail <gary.glunz-at-slug-dot-org>. I sold him one a couple of years
back for $35.00. He was going to use it for a model train
controller I think, but he has never had it out of the box.
I bet you could buy it for what he paid, plus shipping.
Richard Quick
... If all else fails... Throw another megavolt across it!
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12