To: mail11:;-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com (-at-teslatech)
Subject: treasures
From: I am the NRA <pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 95 15:12:58 EDT
>Received: from inet-gw-3.pa.dec-dot-com by ns-1.csn-dot-net with SMTP id AA29818 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com>); Tue, 4 Apr 1995 13:56:29 -0600
Cc: pierson-at-cimcad.enet.dec-dot-com
>Well, I scored well at the ham fest. I got an oscilloscope, a frequency
>counter, and a square wave generator (0-1Mhz), all for $80! I also
>got a 0-300V meter, and a 0-5A RF (thermocouple type) ammeter.
ummmm. Just a meter marked T/c or a complete rig? USUALLY the
"sensor" is remote, a separate unit. The meter, if just a meter may
well be "just a meter", needing an external transducer. (heater
plus thermocouple). If the complet rig is there, the heaters have
a tendency to be fragile, easily blown by too much current...
[Rather than send a new message... Based on the lug size, and the fact that
there is more than a galvanometer in the case, I think it's a complete unit.
(the case is clear)
Chip ]
>Last night I observed aninteresting phenomenon that seems like it must be
>resonance. I connected the red connector on the generator (can't say positive
>for ac :-)) to one end of a new secondary that I am slowly working on, and the
>other end I connected to the oscilloscope probe. As I worked through the
>frequencies, I noticed some interesting wave forms on the scope -- they weren't
>regular sine waves, but looked like a sine wave with various amplitudes.
Could be different resonant frequencies. Could also be that the coil
was "overloading" the generator, forcing it to misbehave....
Metering references...
My favorite is a two volume set, but unobtainable, nearly so why tease.
Good general reference is
Electrical Engineers Handbook.
Couple of publisher's put them out, the one here is from McGraw-Hill,
Fink & Beatty editors. Chapter 3 is meters/measurements...