Re: Tuning by current mea
To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com
Subject: Re: Tuning by current mea
From: mark.graalman-at-mediccom.norden1-dot-com (Mark Graalman)
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 16:17:00 -0500
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Te> From Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com Wed Apr 5 16:16 MDT 1995
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Te> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 17:51:33 -0400
Te> From: Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com
Te> To: tesla-at-grendel.objinc-dot-com, KLINEDA-at-univscvm.csd.scarolina.edu,
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Te> scott-at-csustan.csustan.edu Subject: Re: Tuning by current mea
MG> Ed, I don't know how many turns you have on your primary, or what your
MG>level of pri/sec coupling is
Te> Mark, The primary is 14 turns. It is wound on a plastic form at 30
Te> degrees (saucer shaped). The copper tubing is on 3/4" centers. The
Te> first turn has 1.5" clearance from the secondary. The diameter at the
Te> top is about 28.0" if I remember correctly. I would think this should
Te> provide tight coupling without overdoing it.
MG>I attach a 100K
MG> ohm carbon resistor to the side of the toroid and then to end of the
MG>resistor I attach a #30 wire of a length equal to the appoximate length
MG>of the discharge, and run it out horizontally from the toroid and attach
MG>it to a insulated support. In other words, the wire/ resistor act as the
MG>discharge arc. Then I measure the frequency of the secondary coil with a
MG>scope and generator. I then remove the secondary coil from the vicinity
MG>of the primary and tune the primary circuit frequency to match that of
MG>the secondary. It has never been off by more than about 1/4 turn on the
MG>primary tap placement.
Te> Mark, Why do you remove the secondary coil in order to tune in the
Te> primary? It would seem that you would want it there in case it's
Te> presence affects the frequency of the primary - and I think it would
Te> some.
MG> The secondary will absorb any energy in the primary so you can't see the
primary circuit response on the scope, the secondary acts like a
notch filter. The primary impedence is so much lower than that of the
secondary (more capacitance) that the frequency of the primary isn't
affected by the secondary, but the secondary "notch or dip" at resonance
covers up the primary circuits "peak at resonance" unless the coupling
between the two coils is very light. A coupling coefficent of .15 means
15% of the primary coil lines of flux are linking up with the secondary.
Mark Graalman
Te> Mark, What is a pri/sec coupling of .15??
Te> Ed Sonderman
... Alias, Mark the spark
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