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Plane Wave Antenna - Appology to Terry

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Terry and all that have been following this thread,

I made a recent post in response to your post on this subject. Upon rereading the post, I agree with Mike that the first part might have sounded a little harsh. I meant it in a joking way and hope you took it that way. I wasnt feeling well at the time and maybe I should refrain from posting during these moments.

I never meant that the plane wave antenna had a problem. In fact, I believe this is a creative method of making a difficult measurement. By my very nature, I like to throw stones at a solution in an attempt to find potential holes. The only potential hole I thought I found was the termination issue. At the time I believed this wasn't an issue since the frequency the termination started dissappearing at seemed too low for the cable length. I did a spice simulation using the transmission line model that gave odd results. The only thing I could think of was some weird phenomenum involving a coax with little termination at both ends (I have had many real cases of these things happening at work that seemed to defy explaination). Based on my simulation, I was suspicious of the transient response and mentioned this to the group hoping that someone had tested the antenna for this. Since my post, I have given the termination issue more thought using both an AC and PULSE methods of analysis. I believe I have resolved this in my mind and the concern I was first worrying about doesn't seem to hold water. I appologize for seeding doubt in the validity of your antenna design. Keep up the great contributions that you make to the science of our hobby.

Gerry R