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Re: Virus Warning

Original poster: "Matthew Smith by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <matt-at-kbc-dot-net.au>

Hi Sue / All

I've had a load of these over the last few days.  A couple were from 
addresses that I know from this list - the first one was spoofing the 
address of our esteemed moderator!*

Luckily I'm on Linux, so I'm immune to the virus (and most others), but I 
*do* have to pay incoming bandwidth since I own the mail server! Every one 
that I've seen is coming from the mail server out011.verizon-dot-net so I've 
bundled all the mail headers so far off to Verizon's abuse-at- and security-at- 

If anyone on the list is using Verizon as their ISP, they might like to 
check their anti-virus software...

Cheers & Happy New Year


Matthew Smith            | Business: http://www.kbc-dot-net.au
IT Consultant            | PGP Key:  http://gpg.mss.cx
Kadina, South Australia  | * Tivis Project * Community Connect *

* - One of my holiday projects is to abandon twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net and find a 
new address since the evil spoof viruses and spammers have all had a hayday 
with it...  Any file attachment form twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net can be considered 
as virus since it is impossible for a legit attachment to be sent from 
here...  As always, the Tesla list simply does not send file 
attachments.  If you get a file attachment from the Tesla list, consider it 
an evil virus! - Terry