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Re: Secondary form-black pvc

Hi Terry
Is there a good way to test if the pvc contains carbon? The inside (black
part) of the pvc is shiny and I can't get any black stuff off it with paper
or my hands.
If you want i will post a pic of it on my web sight.
Thanks for you input!
Alex Madsen

----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2000 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: Secondary form, New idea!!

> Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi Alex,
> Black PVC has a bad reputation especially when it is dull looking and
> leaves black marks on your hands (a sure sign of conductive carbon black).
> The outdoor and UV protected stuff is full of carbon black.  There is a
> black kind that is very shinny that seems to like high voltage, but best
> not to mess with black PVC unless you are sure.
> Sonotube is an old favorite of coilers.  You have to make the form a bit
> longer to really help avoid surface arcs.  The cardboard burns easily.
> However, if you make it long, Sonotube is wonderful for big coils and far
> less expensive than some alternates.  My big coil is made from it:
> Dry it well with a heat source (like a light bulb inside it for a day or
> so) and coat it good with polyurethane.  It will be a strong and really
> nice secondary.
> Cheers,
> Terry
> At 04:59 PM 9/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >Secondary form
> >
> >Hi all
> >The 6" pvc I bough for my secondary form I found out was only covered in
> >white pvc. The inside ¾ is black PVC. I read here some where that that is
> >very bad due to the carbon used to turn it black. Is this true? After
> >looking around for a while I fond some 6" cardboard tubing used for
> >concrete into for footings and such.  It is strong enough to hold its
> >and support a significant weight + light weight. I as thinking this would
> >perfect for coils. It is less expensive then pvc and come in many
> >up to I think 56".  The technical name for this is "sonotube" Here is a
> >sight run by one of the may manufactures of the stuff. There is a
> >description as well as info. on  different sizes and pics.
> >http://www.sonoco.com/sonotubes.htm There are may there manufacturers. I
> >have some form Mercer paper tubing corp. My plan is to cut off the ends
> >(which are bent). Dry it well with a heat gun.(to get rid of the absorbed
> >H2O which may reduce performance) Give the tube several heave coats of
> >polyurethane and  then sand it smooth.( there are little bumps where the
> >seams in the sonotube are).  Then I will begin to wrap the tube with
> >Will this work well? Cements please !!!!!!
> >Here are some pic of the tube i paln to use.
> >http://www.geocities.com/alexmadsen/
> >Alex Madsen
> >PS I think this would be good  for BIG TCs!!
> >
> >
> >
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