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Secondary form, New idea!!

Secondary form

Hi all
The 6" pvc I bough for my secondary form I found out was only covered in
white pvc. The inside ¾ is black PVC. I read here some where that that is
very bad due to the carbon used to turn it black. Is this true? After
looking around for a while I fond some 6" cardboard tubing used for poring
concrete into for footings and such.  It is strong enough to hold its shape
and support a significant weight + light weight. I as thinking this would be
perfect for coils. It is less expensive then pvc and come in many diameter
up to I think 56".  The technical name for this is "sonotube" Here is a web
sight run by one of the may manufactures of the stuff. There is a
description as well as info. on  different sizes and pics.
http://www.sonoco.com/sonotubes.htm There are may there manufacturers. I
have some form Mercer paper tubing corp. My plan is to cut off the ends
(which are bent). Dry it well with a heat gun.(to get rid of the absorbed
H2O which may reduce performance) Give the tube several heave coats of
polyurethane and  then sand it smooth.( there are little bumps where the
seams in the sonotube are).  Then I will begin to wrap the tube with wire.
Will this work well? Cements please !!!!!!
Here are some pic of the tube i paln to use.
Alex Madsen
PS I think this would be good  for BIG TCs!!

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