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RE: help w/ homade line fil.
Hello Kevin: I understand. Thankfully I did not have the problem of money.
Although I did save a bunch using meci.com.
Remember, corcom has a website and they post schematics of the guts of their
best filters. You could check your plan against theirs at no cost at all.
Safety First
Subject: Re: help w/ homade line fil.
Original poster: "Kevin D" <teslacoilfreak1@mediaone.net>
Hi Ted,
Jan accualy replied to my post,and I under stand that line filters are cheap
surplus but I have alot of line rated caps
and a box full of various inductors and stray cores and such
and I figured I could use the money saved by making my own could be put
towards things I can't make myself(money
is very tight)
anyway thanks for the insight and concern.
Kevin D.