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RE: double helix
Hi all,
Just can't resist, so here's my $.02...
Why on earth (or anywhere else for that matter!), would there only be
breakout from the top of the "power-pyramid" *snicker* and not the sharp
pointy corners? where's the streamers usually associated with a TC? Is
this one badly out of tune? I'd expect the arcs to track down the acrylic
sheet (it's been my experience that TC arcs *love* to creep along a solid
object). "we lack technical details", that screams to me "it's fake, and
we have *no* idea haw to substantiate it". Bringing up the Egyptians into
it also...and ending on the "buy the book" note...
All being said, I'd like to quote a list member (whose name eludes me),
"I'd trust them about as far as I could throw a fully loaded and operating
washing machine."
We're all free to believe what we like. If these people believe this,
that's up to them. Of course *I* group them with the "crackpot free energy"
and "the earth is flat" fanatics. But it may well be a double-helix
thingey, and the earth may just be flat. *snicker* Sundog is a skeptic.
again, this is all IMHO
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 2:51 AM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: double helix
Original poster: "Alex Crow" <user@alexcrow.clara.net>
Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "tension" <tension@ntlworld.com>
> Greetings,
> Does anyone have any info on a picture that was on the
> that showed a double helix discharge from a pyramid form (as the topload,
> also enclosing the coil). Is this a hoax picture ?
> All the best---- Russell hicks
Hmm, to be honest I think it's a fake. KeelyNet is not exactly renowned for
scientific discrimination!