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NE Ohio teslathon/Sept. 16/Delta VS Wye Notes

Date is on as scheduled.

The idea of a delta series resonance in a 3 phase
scenario only current limited by the one ohm of the
stator resistance of its rotational emf source may
raise new questions not explored before where no melt
down can occur when the source emf is also a current
limited device like the NST. What makes the source emf
appear itself as a current limited source is only the
relative internal resistance of the source emf input
vs the resistance of the load. In the design of the
reluctance alternator, it can take a dead short
without the windings burning up, because those
windings are of minimal resistance themselves, and in
my model only 18 winds per phase, consisting of one
ohm. The drawback on that input rotational emf design
is that only 25-30 volts are produced at a high 3600
rpm of the magnetised pole faces energized by the
field. Thus for any kind of voltage application, this
low voltage input must be brought up to a higher
value, demanding more amperage from the alternator,
which is what it is designed for: to produce large
amperages. However because the frequency is fairly
high at 360 hz output there are ways to produce higher
voltages by resonant rise of air core inductors
itself, provided these inductors are of large L
values, and bypassing the use of traditional
ferromagnetic devices for voltage rise. Following is a
delta wiring


                   L               C

          C                1                L

Each of the LC quantities can be chosen to resonate at
360 hz input. Again this is not the common values used
by tesla coilers as at 360 hz  as these need large L
values. But the large L values also make large Q
values in this method that uses only thick gauge wire,
for only resonant rise which are related to each
phases voltage rise determined by the made Q. The
inside T is where those resonant rises of voltage can
make a triple arc gap, to enable each of those 3
phases primaries to resonate a secondary. When I first
thought about this applied to 3 phase, I envisioned it
as a "Ring Of Fire"  on the secondaries which is very
logical. However the way an idea is born doesnt
necessarily  determine how it will turn out.

So I am reposting a note mentioned to others
interested in the design;

This shows 3  ordered LC quantities in  delta (the
sides of the triangle are not drawn)in series
resonance, by what that LC quantity gives as its
resonant frequency. For the speculated ring of fire
proposal these become 3 primaries where the L C values
are determined to resonate with secondary. 3 NST's
arranged in delta should be able to supply the high
voltage for the primaries. Inside the circuit shows
the shorts made connecting each series resonance with
the * as the arc gap. This is only a preliminary
method concieved on the triple gap method. It may be
advantageous to make a  triple triangular plate area
as a center piece  where each series resonant midpoint
arcs to,in which further L and C quantities tuned to
resonate are inserted into the WYE. In that method a
further voltage magnification beyond what the ordered
delta series resonances provides is made, allowing the
system to oscillate in high frequency arcing with a
lower voltage input than formerly possible. In that
scenario the area between the plates consists of an
actual air capacity C value, where the arc will occur
across, which is matched with a larger L value  to
compensate to resonate also to the same desired freq.
The same resonant frequency can have many LC
combinations, thus here we are allowing another LC
quantity to be introduced in the WYE, which magnifies
the voltage available for arcing prurposes in the
primary system. This second adaptation and the
secondaries to the system are not drawn.

To understand the interior current paths we can first
analyse it when the bottom  delta series resonance is
zero current. This also makes its midpoint path zero
current, so at the triple arc gap only the other two
phases have interphasal arcing. These phases at that
moment in time have a positive 120 degree voltage, and
a negative 240 degree voltage. When this is analysed
in context with delta phasing, we see that the current
in each series resonant circuit is in opposite
directions, providing opposite resonant rises of
voltage enabling this arcing to occur at their
 midpoints on the triple arc gap. Thus transposed
schematically the remaining phases when one phase is
zero represents a BRS with respect to their relative
180 phasing of currents, thus making the triple arc
gap method analogous to a rotating BRS, by virtue of
phasing rotation. HDN

Binary Resonant Systemhttp://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201

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