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RE: Vortex gap loss measurements

Hi John:

I found that at very low air flow rates, the linear decrement became
_somewhat_ logarithmic looking, but overall I would still classify it as
predominately linear.  The low airflow rate where this occurred will also
give terrible coil performance, so it's just academic.

With the digital scope, I used both single trace captures, and
variable-persistence multi-trace captures, and both modes showed the same

Regards, Gary

		Original poster: "John H. Couture"

		Gary -

		Many thanks for providing us with your test data. More of
this type of test
		information is needed because there are still many secrets
of TC operation
		we need to know.

		You mentioned that at times the dampened wave appeared to be
logarithmic. I
		found this to be true in some of my tests using a standard
scope. However,
		the traces were very irregular. Could it be that the storage
scope is
		affecting the results by sampling more than one trace?

		John Couture

		Original poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@compaq.com>
		The power to the blower motor is varied through a lamp
dimmer and I tried
		varying the motor speed to see what effect that had.  At
very low speed, the
		linearly decrementing waveform became slightly
logarithmic-looking, but
		still predominantly linear.  The gap breakdown voltage
appeared to change
		slightly at low speed, but this was hard to measure as it
was slight and the
		bang-to-bang gap breakdown voltage is not as consistent as
one might hope.