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Re: Winding a secondary coil
In a message dated 8/31/00 8:18:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< Hi all,
What is the best way to wind a secondary coil? The form I have is PVC 4 or
so inches in diameter,
and my wire is 22-24 AWG. I have access to an engineer's lathe, would
winding the wire on to the
revolving coil form work? Or holding the coil form and collecting the wire
onto it
from the spinning drum of wire? Or is simply winding it by hand the way to
I don't really want to have to constuct a coil winding device.
(I have a lot of scrap enameled wire from old MOT primary and secondaries,
so I can practice with this first.)
I have used both a metal lathe and a wood lathe. Once you get it all set up,
it is nice to have someone to help. I wind the wire and have the helper man
the power switch on the lathe. Works very well.
Ed Sonderman