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Re: winding the primary?
In a message dated 8/31/00 4:44:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< Original poster: "Kevin D" <teslacoilfreak1@mediaone.net>
you could try All Electronics Corp. for a variac.
They have a 10A for $135.00 and a 5A for $95.00
Vin 110-120VAC
here is the url to there variac page:
Kevin D.
New variacs are way too expensive in my opinion - unless you are very
desparate. Check out swap meets and electrical supply houses that sell used
equipment. I bought three 10 amp variacs from a friends brother for $10.00
each, a 220 volt 28 amp powerstat for $100.00 and a 120 volt 30 amp variac
for $50.00 from a used equipment place. A good deal for both, but you need
to be patient and look around for a while.
Ed Sonderman