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Re: 135 foot streamers

On should also not discount the possibilility that the original writer
actually taking notes wrote down something like "35 ft - 100 ft+ twr" or
even, just "35 ft", and then a smudge or printer's typo changed it to 135...

Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-uswest-dot-net>
> Hi Steve,
>         A number of people have investigated this passage in Margaret
> book.  No supporting evidence for this passage has ever been found.  No
> record's, no documents, no notes,....  Considering the care that was
> typical of Tesla in recording such things, It would be very unlikely that
> this would not have been documented at all.  "I" think it is just a "tall
> tail" that ended up in the book.  Studies of the CS system by Richard Hull
> and others rules this out very definitely.  I don't mean to "rain on the
> parade" but a lot of people have spent a LOT of time looking into this to
> try and discover the "secret" only to come away very disappointed...
> There is a thought that because the tower was about 135 feet high (140'
> 3/4") that this distance got mistaken for arc length by the writers of the
> day (probably the sports guy filling in ;-)) who were known to miss a few
> details when describing Dr. Tesla's "magical" work...  However, when you
> dig down to the actual documentation, no evidence of 135 foot streamers can
> be found.
> Tesla did in fact "pop" the El Paso power plant.  Bill Wysock has the
> actual bill from that ($245.36, which was a lot back then, paid on Dec. 7,
> 1899...)
> If one looks at the terrain of the area, It is also very unlikely that arcs
> could be heard in cripple creak.  There are a few big mountains in the way
> (like the 14,110 foot pike's peak)...  Sound can do strange things, but
> natural lightning or the "gold fever" mine blasting at the time is a far
> more likely source of "thunder".
> Cheers,
>         Terry
> At 08:02 AM 10/9/2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >I picked up my well worn copy of "Man Out Of Time" and found the chapter
> >"Blackout at Colorado Springs". On page 144 it says:
> >"Tesla, however, was neither injured nor dead. He was frozen in a paroxysm
> >of bliss. From where he stood he could see the lightening bolts shooting 135
> >feet from the top of the mast, and as he later learned, the thunder was
> >being heard fifteen miles away in Cripple Creek."
> >Recently there was some discussing which concluded that this could not have
> >been the case, based on perusal of Dr. Tesla's writing it was calculated
> >that they could have been no longer than 32 feet. Has anyone consider the
> >earth resonance frequencies in their own experiments. (8,14 and 20 cycles)?
> >