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Re: SRSG Timing
In a message dated 10/10/00 2:37:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
tesla@pupman.com writes:
> Original poster: "Ted Rosenberg" <Ted.Rosenberg@radioshack.com>
> I plan to build an SRSG soon. Got the same motor that John Morawa bought.
> Decent and for $21 inc shipping...a deal!
> Question...is there any value to an automotive timing light to set it up
> 120 BPS? I have a Sears Xenon strobe...maybe from 1970 that still works.
> Runs off 12V of course. Just a thought. Otherwise, it's time to build
> Terry's RadioShack strobe.
I just look at the electrodes under fluorescent light and set it up
that way for a rough estimate of position, then I move it around
to find the optimal phase position by trial and error.
John Freau