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Re: My Tesla picture looks like a nebula in space. Odd starfield effect!

Hi Garry,
    Amazing photo!! Could you give us more details of how you took the
photo? What sort of camera where you using? how far away where you? what
shutter speed and aperture did you use. I have had some success with spark
photos using a Kodak dc290 set on automatic in subdued daylight. I am also
using your photo as a background on my computer as well.

bob golding

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2000 7:02 PM
Subject: My Tesla picture looks like a nebula in space. Odd starfield

> Original poster: "Garry F." <garryfre@pacbell.net>
> I took a pic of the tesla coil operating with the cap from Terry after I
> figured out how to prevent the camera from flashing.
> It ended up looking like a ring of sparks in a starfield possibly because
> individual photocells of the digital camera may have been stimulated by
> in the air.
> At any rate, THIS IS ONE AWESOME PIC!!
> Take a look ...
> Here is my web site, the mpg is pretty lame but at least it's mine, but
> picture looks very interesting!
> re/index.html
> http://home.pacbell.net/garryfre/001007-006.jpg