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Re: BIG DUMMY Accident
In a message dated 10/4/00 1:04:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< as it has been stated, it will take
only one death, in this day and age, for the government to put a control
on coiling. i'm sure some committee is chomping at the bit to put a stop
to our interest's
please people, this isn't a tinker toy we have here, don't ruin it for
me with your stupidity.
i'm not directing this towards you david, the ones that play the kiddy
games know who they are.
unfortunately, accidents happen, we are only human, but to flaunt death
is something that really burns me. >>
Hi Marc, all,
Very well said. I totally agree. It's really STUPID to intentionally take
a hit from the output sparks of a Tesla coil, whether it's a 100 watt or
a 100 kwatt system. And the last thing I want is "big brother" telling
me when, where, or how I can coil, so lets be careful and please, don't
anyone electrocute him(her)self and, as Marc said, mess it up for the
rest of us coilers.
Safe coilin'
David Rieben