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Re: Magnifiers vs. normal TC's, was secondary wavelength

Gee Ed!  I only know what I read, and I take all that I read with a grain
of salt.  Tesla was not a "deity" .   He was a man with thoughts light
years ahead of what we know today.  I was not there when Tesla made his
experiments in any of his labs.  But neither were you!  But his surviving
work and patents speak for themselves.  All that he knew was not
preserved for us in writing.  All I know is what I see around me.  And I
see everywhere in our world the actual effects of Tesla's work.  And
every time I fire up my coil I marvel at Tesla the man!   Al.

On Sun, 01 Oct 2000 20:59:55 -0600 "Tesla list" <Tesla@pupman.com>
> Original poster: "Ed Phillips" <evp@pacbell.net> 
> Tesla list wrote:
> > 
> > Original poster: "Albert Hassick" <uncadoc@juno.com>
> > 
> > Hi Luc.  The fact is, is that Tesla is still the Man!  I am not
> > downplaying the efforts of John, Antonio, Terry, Jim, Malcolm, 
> Ross or
> > anyone else on the list.  I am simply stating that there is not a 
> one of
> > us on this list, myself included, that have yet to acheive what 
> Tesla did
> > 100 years ago.  And that includes spark length and power output 
> and
> > efficiency of the magnifying coil.  It is easy to sit down at a pc 
> and
> > play with figures that someone worked with 100 years ago and 
> improve upon
> > his work.  But take away your pc's and what have you got?  PC's 
> are
> > nothing but brute force stupid instruments, and any programmer 
> will admit
> > this.  When you guys with all your pc's build a working Colorado 
> Springs
> > or  Wardenclyff model that works better than what Tesla did. I 
> will
> > humbly accept what you say.  But until then, the empirical work of 
> Tesla
> > has yet to be beat!  Keep on coiling!   AL.
> Several questions/comments:
> 1. On what basis do you make your claim about the spark length and
> efficiency of the CS work?  Where are the supporting data?  There 
> have
> been several postings here with regard to the actual spark length, 
> and
> there is no data in CSN about the "efficiency", however you define 
> it.
> 2. What was actually accomplished at Wardencluff (in the way of big
> sparks or "efficiency")?  Just looked at Anderson's book and can't 
> find
> anything there.
> 3. Tesla didn't have a PC, but he certainly had perserverence and if 
> you
> will read CSN you will find numerous examples of rather laborious
> calculations he carried out to find such simple things as primary
> inductance.  He clearly knew what he was doing as far as the
> mathematical design of the circuit components was concerned.
> 	Tesla was a neat guy but he wasn't a diety!
> Ed