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Re: Spark length records- was Magnifiers vs normal TCs
John, et al.
You are absolutely right on in what you wrote below. FWIW.
Best regards to all on the List.
Bill Wysock.
> Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 17:47:48 -0600
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> From: "Tesla list" <tesla@pupman.com>
> Subject: Re: Spark length records- was Magnifiers vs normal TCs
> Original poster: FutureT@aol.com
> In a message dated 10/1/00 8:47:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Margaret wrote that but when a number of people went digging... Oops! No
> > supporting data could be found!! Tesla at times "speculated' about arc
> > length but the real documented length he achieved is 32 feet. When one
> > goes digging into the times of experimentation and power available to him,
> > He simply didn't have the equipment needed to go much further than 32
> > The New York project did have this power but was never operated. So,
> > sorry, but those 130, 300, 10 mile arcs are all fantasy... In the "free
> > energy days" of the 80's, all kinds of claims were made of what Tesla did.
> > However, we now know from actual documentation that what he really did was
> > super great, but within reason for what he had available to him.
> David, all,
> Another interesting point is that Tesla sometimes measured his
> spark lengths by considering all the twists and turns that the arc
> made while flowing though the air, and also counted the total
> arc distance from one side of the head of sparks to the opposite
> side, etc. There was no standard way to define an arc length in
> those days for TC's, so various ways of looking at the issue were
> considered and used. Sometimes it's an advantage to quote a
> higher spark length figure for capturing the backing of potential
> financers, to dazzle the public, etc.
> John Freau
Tesla Technology Research