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Re: new pictures
In a message dated 9/28/00 4:48:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com
> Dave,
> I studied your new pictures, and something got my
> attention. Your toroid doesn't look wide enough. Have
> you considered trying a toroid as wide as your
> secondary is tall? That alone could possibly cure your
> racing spark problems.
> I've run a little 4" x 24" coil wound with 22AWG
> magnet wire at over 4kW, extracting fat 60" streamers
> from it, with no hint of hot spots, racing sparks,
> corona, or anything else. However, I use a WIDE toroid
> that looks almost silly atop such a small coil. I
> think the toroid is the reason I can push my little
> coil so hard and extract sparks 2.5 times the winding
> length without a hiccup.
the wide toroid might help, but the breakrate might be
helping a lot also in your case (if you are indeed running
at a higher breakrate than 120 bps). Using a 6" by 26"
toroid, I began to get racing sparks on a 24" tall
secondary at 120 bps, when the streamers reached
61" or so. At a higher bps, I could have gotten much
longer streamers without racing sparks, because high
bsp operation uses a smaller bang size for a given
streamer length.
JOhn Freau
> Now I'm doing the same thing with my 6" X 30"
> coil--using a 32" wide drainpipe & foil toroid for 70"
> streamers. Again--tame, trouble free operation at
> 4400VA.
> Forgive me if I'm covering old ground. I haven't been
> following this thread.
> Spark On,
> Greg