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Re: Zima Zaps
hi gary,
try putting some soap in the bottles this will make the salt water more
increase your cap size. i've noticed when i tried it before that my spark
size all most double in size.
just add soap and stir real slow because you don't want any bubbles. jason
wallace two cents :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla list <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 10:55 AM
Subject: Zima Zaps
> Original poster: "Garry F." <garryfre@pacbell.net>
> Six bottles of Zima corked with wax in a battery carrying case hooked up
to my
> tesla coil = one revived tesla coil on a heart machine.
> Nice big streamers, some 10" streamers off an 8" wide 2" high toriod.
> Zima's are about all I can stand, sometimes I like a beer but with all the
> alcoholics in my family much drinking past a near tea totaler(sp?) gives
me the
> creeps.
> Anyway, the small secondary had lots of sparks shooting from the bottom
> to the Primary. I think I shall make a barrier to block the sparks.
> The tuning required all the primary to get the biggest sparks so I suspect
> need more bottles. Ins't it correct to say that the bigger the cap the
> primary windings are needed to tune?
> The sparks were like the stacked caps - many sparks jumping back and forth
> looked like a huge white version of the sparks in the spark gap rather
than the
> fat lazy nicer looking spark I get off a transmitting doorknob cap.
> I susect this is because of the inductance of the long wires leading to
> zima heart machine (the cap) leads to slow discharging or maybe just low
> rate because of the longer path to the gap. I can't fit the cap inside the
> thing. Used coax with the stranded shield and the center wire twisted
> to lead to the MBC (Many Bottle Cap)
> All these anachronisms remind me of the meaning of PCMCIA which is People
> Memorize Computer Industry Anachronisms. I know I can't!
> Any ideas on this. I've seen coils I've built make these beautiful lazy
> that looks like a good candidate for a jacob's ladder and I've seen coils
> produce many sparks, that look like they came off a capacitor, not jacobs
> ladder material. Not that I'm saying the latter sparks are less pretty, I
> prefer the nice single sparks. They make a nice ripping sound too
> when I got a problem with yellow jackets, it just reaches out and knocks
em out
> of the air. I got a video of that. I got this grimace of vengence.
> Yellowjackets are defanately not my friends.