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Re: New sync gap

Hi Ed,

Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: Esondrmn@aol.com
> For others running big, solid gap set ups like this - what dimensions do you
> set your gaps at?

I run my gaps at 0.010" - 0.020".

>  I have tentatively set mine for .015".  I don't see any
> wobble or runout in the rotor or motor shaft.  Everything looks solid.  I am
> concerned that heating or maybe motor torque will move things and the
> contacts might hit.  This would be a serious problem and cause much damage.
> I will try this new sync gap first with my small 3.0" coil.  It presently
> uses a static gap of 5 gaps set to about .028" each or a total of .014".
> Does this tell me that I can open these new gaps up to maybe .025" each? - or
> is it better to run them as close as possible?

I think you will probably want to run them narrow at about your current set up
spacing of 0.015". As the arc will be series'd through 4 stationary's, you
probably won't exhibit a lot of stationary heating assuming the
stationary's have
adequate mass and heat syncing properties as compared to a singular stationary
gap. My arc travels through 2 air paths during conduction and I have only
the stationary's. It all depends on the power and time of run of course. If you
widen the gaps a little as you test it, you eventually find our the gapping
the coil begins to run erratic, and you can always narrow the spacing slightly
from there.

Good luck,