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Re: I'm Sold on MMCs and RSGs! - Pics

Hi John, 

Tesla list wrote: 
> Original poster: FutureT@aol.com 
> Bart, 
> A 1200 rpm 6 flat rsg works the same as any other 120 bps sync 
> gap.  The firings are still one per half cycle, and can be synced 
> perfectly and evenly, etc.  THe only main difference is the longer 
> mechanical dwell if all else is the same. 
> John Freau

After posting, I tried to post a correction and somehow sent the message to
myself instead (way to go, eh?). Anyway, you are correct. Here's the post I
sent to myself. 


> Hi John F., Robin, Andy,
> To self-correct and clarify my own post:
> 6 flats filed on 1200 rpm  at 60Hz = sync
> 6 electrodes on 1200 rpm at 60 Hz = 120 bps
> And therefore, you "will" present an electrode 120 times or once each
half cycle.
> Sorry, I wrote the previous reply very quickly during half-time (Packers vs.
> Panthers). Please trash my previous post. I shouldn't watch football and read
> emails at the same time.
> Take care,
> Bart