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RE: I'm Sold on MMCs and RSGs! - Pics


I have a SRSG 1200RPM, six flats, six electrodes. It works perfectly.

> Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <tesla123@pacbell.net>
> > Robin,
> >
> > A 1200 rpm motor uses 6 flats to make it synchronous.
> >
> > John Freau
> Yes, 1200 rpm using 6 flats = 120 bps, but the breaks are not
> divided evenly on
> each half cycle.
What does this mean, the breaks are not divided evenly on each
half cycle?

> Assume one half cycle. This indicates 3 breaks during that half
> cycle. Now try
> to divide 3 breaks evenly along that half cycle (can't be done).
> The best you
> could do is to manage 2 out of 3 as 1 will be near zero crossing.
> I would also
> expect that a break through zero (not firing) could occur often
> and cause a
> charging imbance from break to break.
One half cycle = one break, they always fire at the same point in the cycle.

> A 1200 rpm, 6 flat RSG is only synchronous in that it can lock to
> the mains
> cycles, but it should not to perform well as indicated above. I
> beleive the old
> RSG program ROTJIT showed this as well.
> Bart
IMHO, the only drawback to 1200 RPM for a SRSG is the low speed of the
electrodes which reduces the power level that can be processed. (electrodes
must be
kept narrow to reduce dwell time, less wind than a faster rotary, etc.)
Of course these problems could be resolved by using a larger diameter disk.
